Maximize Your Garden Harvest: 5 Crops to Sow in July!

By Sheena Rajan
carrot and kale in a garden

Midsummer is here, and while many gardeners focus on weeding, watering, and harvesting, the savvy ones know that July is prime time for planting new crops.

By sowing seeds now, you can ensure a continuous harvest well into the autumn months.

Let’s dive into five fantastic crops you can sow in July to keep your garden brimming with fresh produce.

Kale: The Cool-Weather Champion

kale plant in a garden
Garden.Lighting | Sahil Rajan

Kale thrives in the coolness of autumn, making it an ideal crop to plant in July.

As temperatures drop, pests become less of an issue, allowing your kale to grow with minimal interference. 

  • How to Plant: Start by sowing kale seeds in plug trays. Once the seedlings are strong enough, transplant them into your garden, spacing them about 16 inches apart.
  • Varieties to Try: Consider planting Red Russian kale with its striking pink/purple stems or a curly variety. Both types offer tender young leaves perfect for salads and mature leaves ideal for cooking.

Peas: The Last Chance Crop

pea plant in a garden
Garden.Lighting | Sahil Rajan

July is your last chance to plant peas before the first frost hits. Peas grow quickly, providing you with a delicious and nutritious harvest in just a few months.

  • How to Plant: Sow peas directly in the ground, spacing the seeds about 2 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. Ensure they get plenty of water, especially during hot weather.
  • Quick Tips: Opt for varieties known for their rapid growth to maximize your harvest time.

Endive: The Salad Enhancer

endive in a garden
Garden.Lighting | Sahil Rajan

Endive is a slightly bitter green that pairs beautifully with milder salad leaves like lettuce and spinach.

It’s a great addition to your garden if you enjoy diverse flavors in your salads.

  • How to Plant: Sow endive seeds in a pot first. Once they’ve grown a bit, transplant them into your garden, spacing them about 9 inches apart.
  • Care Instructions: Choose a slow-to-bolt variety and keep the plants well-watered to encourage lush growth.

Carrots: The Timely Favorite

carrot in a garden
Garden.Lighting | Sahil Rajan

Summer is in full swing, and the window for sowing carrots is closing fast. Carrots are a garden staple, and with the right variety, you can enjoy them well into the autumn.

  • How to Plant: Choose a quick-growing carrot variety and sow the seeds directly into rows spaced about 10 inches apart. 
  • Germination Tip: Keep the soil moist before sowing, and cover the area with a plank of wood to help with germination during the hot weather.
  • Harvest Time: These carrots will be ready in about two months, giving you fresh produce well into the cooler months.

Pak Choi: The Stir-Fry Delight

pak choi plant in a garden
Garden.Lighting | Sahil Rajan

Pak choi, also known as bok choy, is an Asian green that boasts crisp, delicately flavored leaves. It’s perfect for stir-fries and adds a lovely crunch to your dishes.

  • How to Plant: Sow the seeds in plug trays to protect them from slugs. Once the seedlings are strong enough, transplant them into your garden, spacing them about 8 inches apart.
  • Care Tips: Keep pak choi well-watered and cool, especially during the hotter periods of the day to ensure healthy growth.


By sowing these five crops in July, you can extend your harvest season and enjoy a bounty of fresh produce throughout the fall.

Remember to choose quick-growing varieties, keep the soil moist, and protect your plants from pests to ensure a successful and rewarding harvest. 

Embrace the midsummer planting season and watch your garden flourish.